Monday, February 19, 2007

It's a New Year and a New Market

Well, it's been a while since my last posting. What can I say? I've been lazy. But it's time to get back to work.

That's not to say that I have neglected the market. My January porfolio earned nearly $7,000. And I'm up almost $3K in February.

My big hitter in January was ICE, which exploded, as many of you know, going from $106.74 to 117.53 in 10 days! I was real happy with that one. It helped to offset some losers, namely NYX, ALB, and CSH.

Right now, I'm riding Wellcare Group (WCG), bought at $70.78, now trading at $78.75 (+11%), and ValueClick (VCLK), bought at $25.90, and now trading at $27.46 (+6%). My other big hitter is Goldman Sachs (GS), bought at $211.76, now trading at $216.92 (up only 2.4%, but nearly $1,000). All of these trades are February trades, so my annualized profit rate (on a $300K portfolio) is nearly 40%!

But there is more interesting news on tap. My next post will be about the hot new market of Foreign Exchange!